what your missing

You missed a field trip today. This would have been one you would have gone on. You would have loved it.

You missed Baby girl silently crying on the bus because her feelings got hurt. 

You missed me crying with her because I can't fix hurt feelings.

You missed a parade. Baby girl jumping all around because she was so excited.

You missed "fraudulent activity" on our bank account. If you were here I probably would have just assumed it was you buying me Christmas presents. I would have been shocked that you didn't procrastinate this year. But since I'm the only one using our bank account now it couldn't have been you.

You missed laughing at me not being able to push a wheel burrow full of gravel.

You missed Thanksgiving

You missed tree decorating

You missed bedtime for the 687th time in a row

You missed the cat ripping up your moms plants

You missed us moving

You missed going up to play in the snow

You missed munchkins wedding

You missed ferret rescues

You missed bunny relocation

Your missing 4th grade and it's a doozy. I could really use your help.

Your missing me stealing your covers

Your missing double chocolate hot chocolates

Your missing dinners out

Your missing dinners in

Your missing tasteing Baby girls experement foods

Your missing people having babies

Your missing church

Your missing this mess America has gotten itself into 

Your missing funerals

Your missing your brothers (there not the same without you)

Your missing your parents (there getting old you know)

Your missing my crazy family (you know you love them anyway)

Your missing the huge size of Baby girls feet

Your missing how much baby girl has grown

Your missing Christmas lights

Your missing Santa claus

Your missing the obsession with Minecraft

Your missing work

Your missing making a difference in the world

Your missing helping people

Your missing anniversaries

Your missing my dads bad jokes

Your missing holding my hand

Your missing teddy bears

Your missing date night

Your missing Dr.s appointments

Your missing kissing me

Your missing everything

You are missing from us

I wrote a book about my grief, you can read it here: Carry on Castle


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