pictures of happiness

I have this picture in my wallet. I only keep two pictures in my wallet now. (gone are the days of wallet pictures) One is of Dan and I on our wedding day. The other one is of Dan and Baby girl when she was three months old. Last time we went to grief support group the kids were supposed to bring a picture of the parent that died to hang on the wall. Baby girl being anti anything grief related did not want to participate. I was going to make her but then I forgot. So afterwards the leader was telling baby girl how she could bring a picture next time and how she would sure love to see a picture of her daddy. So I said well I have this picture in my wallet we can show you. Baby girl likes this picture because it has her favorite stuffed animal in it. The leader saw the picture and said "o my look how happy your daddy is, I bet he loved being your dad" Baby girl just smiled. So then I was telling this story to my therapist and I showed her the picture and she said ...