Cheating on Ghosts

I woke up this morning with a start. I had just had a dream about my husband Dan. In the dream Dan and I were driving from Portland to Boise. Its about an 8 hour drive which we do regularly because we have friends there. Dan was dead, but that didn't seem to matter, he's been dead for almost five years. He was dead but not dead, like in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, when they tell the story of the three brothers. One of the brothers was given a stone that could bring back the dead, so he brought back his dead love. She was there but wasn't there, a shadow of her old self, not right. That was Dan in my dream. There but not there, more like a shadow or a transparency, I could see through him. He didn't talk, not one word, he wasn't mad or anything, he just wasn't all the way there, he was a ghost. I didn't want to go on the trip to Boise, I knew I would miss my boyfriend Justin, that I've had for a year and a half. I called Justin right in ...