Why Christina Applegate is my new hero (or at least the character she portrays is)

I am going to admit I don't really know much about Christina Applegate, She's an actress, I know that. What I remember her most in is the sitcom Married with Children where she played a rebellious teenager who wore questionable clothing. I used to watch that show all the time when I was a kid, I don't really know why, probably because my older brothers watched it, I bet they watched it for Christina Applegate. I'm sure she has been in other stuff since then, I couldn't tell you what it is.

Then this month I found a new hero.  I was in love before I ever saw the first episode of Dead to Me, I was hooked with the first commercial I saw for it. Why? Because she is exactly like me, she even has my name Jen. 

In the show Dead to me Christina Applegate plays Jen. Jen is about 40 give or take, she has a 14 year old and a 10 year old.  Jen's husband died suddenly and unexpectedly in the middle of the night. Yup I can relate to that. The opening scene is a neighbor bringing her food, the neighbor goes on and on and on and on about how hard this must be and she just cant imagine and hope you like the food it's my special recipe. Jen smiles and nods until she can stand it no longer and then she slams the door in her face. Man so many times I wish I would have done that.

From there the story gets more complicated and a little bit on the "This would never actually happen in real life" side. I am almost certain the writers did that on purpose, they had to, the way they portray is so real, and raw, and spot on. that I think they had to twist the story line cause you know it's Hollywood and too much real life doesn't sell.

From Jen, to her best friend, to her co worker, to her kids, to the moms at school, to her neighbors every character is affected by this grief differently and in my experience the emotions are spot on. Except the mother in law, she is a whack job. I suppose some widows have whack job mother in laws but I don't my mother in law is amazing.

Jen's best friend Judy has many similarities to my best friend Stacie; they are both dirty hippies, they are both excellent cooks, and they both have there on unique grief that helps them relate to the Jen's in a way most people can't. Although I gotta say Stacie has way better taste in men then Judy does, your welcome Jesse.

Some of my favorite scenes without spoiling it:

Conversation between Jen and her best friend Judy, (parahrased cause i'm in love but i'm not obsessed. Yet)
Judy "so does doing that help"
Jen "no not really"
Judy "but at least it makes you feel better while your doing it"
Jen "nope"

Jen takes a golf club to a car and smashes it. It was awesome (I used a baseball pat and his medication)

the ten year old son has an angry outburst for no apparent reason (yup been there done that)

the teenage son no longer feels safe (o man that episode got me, I had to turn it off)

Jen crying into a pillow in the middle of the night so she doesn't wake her kids up, WHILE shes going to the bathroom because she doesn't have any other time. (i've never done that specific thing but boy do I get it)

Anger, anger, anger

Feeling like the entire world thinks you are failing.

Dealing with some serious grief business in the morning and then needing to wipe your eyes, get it together, and then go meet with other people. And then having a giant panic attack in front of said people because you just couldn't.

That my friends is just the tip of the grief ice berg that this show has so brilliantly captured.  it is also mixed with some dark grief humor which I for one adore. Jen says "fuck you" to her dead husband (been there done that). She tells her friend that she has a second husband so shes good to go.  I think the only people who don't appreciate some grief humor are those who have not experienced it. Those who think it's not proper. Screw them, laugh when you can laugh.

In my opinion this is a show everyone needs to watch. If you are grieving you will completely get it. If you are not it will give you some perspective, which we all need.  I feel as if this blog did not express how great this show was so all I can say is


Hey guys I wrote a book about my grief, if you want to read it here is the link

Buy my book here


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