Family time
I am one of the lucky ones. I have an amazing support system of family and friends who want to help me. I know a lot of people don't have that. I even have some that are quite skilled in house remodel. The problem is they all have lives. They have families. They have jobs. They have better things to do then fix my house even though they do want to help me. It's ok. I get it.
Dan was the type of person who didn't let his job go away after he got home. He had the type of job that couldn't go away when he got home. Dan was in charge of a facility for mentally ill adults. That means if something happened with a client, they called Dan, no matter what time it was. That means if they had a question, they'd text Dan. Dan was constantly answering emails for work and I would get so frustrated with him. "this is family time, put your phone away, your not at work."
I remember the year baby girl started 2nd grade (also the year Dan died) Dan was usually able to leave for work after baby girl got on the bus. The three of us would get the morning going together. This was especially important the first Day of school. He wanted baby girl to know he was there for her. This particular year he had a work meeting early in the morning and he was going to miss the first day of school. I was furious "your the boss, can't you schedule the meeting for a different time. It's the first day of school, I need your help. Don't you wanna be there for the first day of school" He did want to be there but he had to go to work instead. Work was cutting into our family time and I was mad.
To be clear Dan had a really good job with a fantastic company. They were really good to him and a huge support to us after Dan died. This is just me being selfish.
But now Dan's gone. Family time isn't the same. Nothing is the same. I'm trying to make us a home without him. I wish so badly that he were here to help with this house, which is saying a lot because a handy man he was not. But I still want him here to help fix our house. I am frustrated that it's going so slow, I feel like it would be going faster if Dan were here, it probably wouldn't be but it wouldn't be as frustrating.
My friends and family are helping me fix it and all the while they have wives back home saying "your work is cutting into our family time" and all the while I don't have anyone to say that to anymore. I know I need your help, I know I can't do it without you. Thank you for cutting into your family time for me, I wish you didn't have to. I wish I didn't have to ask you too. I wish none of this had ever happened, but you all know that, and you wish it too,
I wrote a book about my grief, you can read it here: Carry on Castle
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