Flat tire

I did about five million things this week and it's only Wednesday. It's the Wednesday of Spring break and we tried to make the most of our vacation by going out of town. Twice. Yes it's only Wednesday. So it's hard to figure out what of those five million tings I should blog about (I didn't have good internet access so I didn't do it at the moment.) Really it boils down to the same old thing, Dan's still dead. I miss him. We went out with friends this evening. They wanted to know how our spring break was and how my new job was going. I told them. I fought back the urge to say "and also Dan's still dead." They know Dan's still dead. They've known just as long as I have that he died. Yet I want to tell them, you know least they forget, maybe they will think he's at work, maybe I need to remind them that he's dead. I don't. They know, they didn't forget, my logical brain knows that they know and yet something in me (my ...