
Baby Girl came home from school last Wednesday, "Mommy guess what happened in Gym! I got hit in the head with a hockey stick." "Oh Baby Girl are you ok? Did it hurt?" "It didn't hurt bad enough to make me cry but I went to the office and got a bag of ice." Oh ok, I guess your fine. Thats all I thought about it, she was fine. The next day after school she said her head hurt. I replied with "well ya you got hit in the head with a hockey stick, it's probably bruised and going to hurt for a few days." The next day she said her head hurt. "Huh, it still hurts, you must have gotten hit pretty good, you really didn't cry?" The next day. "Mommy my head really hurts" huh thats so weird I would have thought it would be feeling better by now not worse. All weekend long she complained that her head hurt. By Sunday night it was hurting so bad she was crying. Monday morning it hurt so bad she didn't want to go to s...