Confidence and fear

I went to therapy today. One of her usual questions is "How is baby girl doing?" "Fantastic and completely screwed up" This is one of those times when my therapist flat out refuses to indulge me "Baby Girl is not screwed up...But why do you say that" because she is, because shes both just like me. Doing fantastic, kicking ass and taking names, but shes completely screwed up. I proceeded to tell my therapist about how fantastic she is doing. We had school conferences and everything is great, she is doing great at school. She is playing with friends, she is talking to people. She is being a normal kid. Except that last Monday she didn't go to school at all because she had a giant anxiety attack about leaving mommy. Except last night when I walked out the back door to unplug our fountain. Before I even got to the plug approximately two feet away I heard screaming from in the living room where a moment before she was peacefully watching t.v. "MOMM...