This is us

I was organizing stuff today. Specifically my dead husbands stuff. I'm not sure what I mean by organizing. I'm trying to collect it all in one spot, as opposed to a box here and a box there. I'm not sure why I'm even doing that. It was decently organized beforehand. Actually I think I know why, in my professional therapist opinion (meaning I am not a professional therapist in any way shape or form and I just say whatever random stuff pops into my head.) I wanted a table that goes behind my couch. You know a long skinny one, to put nic nacs and plants on. (My sister in law said can't get any plants because I will just kill them. It's like she knows me.) what I ended up getting instead of a table was a book shelf. So now I have all this shelf space, except it's behind a couch so it's not very easily accessible. Then it came to me, 'o you know what would be cute, I could get some of those cute boxes at the craft store and I could put "Dan...