If only I could reach my hand out

I called my sister in law today, I had something very important to say, "You tell your husband that he is a giant asshole" I think she was taken aback by this, I don't generally call her husband (Dan's brother) an asshole, he's a pretty decent guy. Nevertheless I was pretty pissed off at him. I think she could tell by my voice something was up. When I called her I was standing in the middle of my bathroom, still dripping from just taking a shower, and sobbing my head off. "Whats going on?" she said. My brother in law got a 3-d printer about a month ago (he's a nerd like that). So he decided he would make Christmas presents with it. He made his parents and I each an image of Dan's face. It looked rough and was cut out of plastic, flat like an ornament you would hang on a tree. Honestly not much to look at. He said you hang it in the widow and the light shines through and it's an image of Dan. Ok thanks. Dan's mom went and hung he...