The body still knows

I went over to my boyfriend Justin's house the other day. I was feeling a bit out of sorts that day but I couldn't put my finger on why. he looked at me "You feeling ok baby?" he asked, "ya I guess, my head kinda hurts though." That was all, I had had a slight headache since about 2. I sat down on the couch and started to watch his kids play. For no reason what so ever my eyes started to get blurry with tears. Then they started to drip down my face, just because. Justin sat down next to me, "hey hey hey whats wrong sweetheart" "Nothing." I say, cause nothing was wrong. "I just, I don't know whats wrong with me." I sobbed as I buried my head in his chest. Sometimes I think he knows me better then I know myself, Dan was like that too. he put his arms around me, "Is it Dan and the holidays coming up?" I hadn't thought about it until he said it but ya thats exactly what it was. I cried harder. Ya thats def...