Just because he could

I dropped Baby Girl off at school this morning and talked to her teacher for a minute. Her teacher mentioned a paper baby Girl wrote that was very well done, "she takes after you" the teacher said. I replied "No No No she gets that from her dad" "Well maybe she gets it from both of you" ummmmmmmmmmmmmm I let it go but No No No she gets it from her dad. I've been going through his papers some more, I came across this one he wrote his Jr. year of high school. I'm not sure what the exact assignment was but I do know this goes above and beyond because nobody in 11th grade writes a 11 page poem. Unless your name is Dan. Dan did because Dan could, because he was a phenomenal writer. I wanted to share his poem with you just because I am so blown away by it. This is what Dan said about his poem: “I’m kinda proud of the fact that I wrote this all in one sitting because it’s almost twelve pages long of poetry, all one ...