An open letter to my daughters elementary school

I remember signing her up for kindergarten, I hadn't been in an elementary school since I had gone to one. There wasn't one or two big chunky apple computers with green type in the library anymore. They had a whole technology room with more advanced mac books then I had at home (I didn't even have a mac). I was intimidated, I felt like I was in kindergarten myself, was I really going to send my small sweet child here everyday. I don't know these people. "The easiest way to know what goes on at school is to join the PTA" one of the moms helping with registration told me. So I did, because I wanted to know what was going on in my daughters school. I volunteered in her classroom and went on every field trip. I knew all the codes to the copy machine and the secretary trusted me to use the laminator by myself. Quickly we both got the hang of this school thing. quickly we fell in love with our small community school. In second grade we got the golden teacher ...