It's just a bed...

Here's an old story: When I was pregnant with Baby Girl (who is currently eleven) I went into premature labor. By the grace of God she stayed in there and was born right on time. I went home from the hospital on strict bed rest. I was allowed to get out of bed to use the rest room and that was it. The problem with that lay in that our bedroom was upstairs and our bathroom was downstairs. Going up and down stairs was not in the prescription of strict bed rest. While I lay in the hospital Dan with the help of his brothers came up with a plan for my return home. In their minds it was much easier to bring a spare bed from his brothers house over and put it in our living room then to try and get our bed down the winding narrow stairs of our old historic home. Thus they did so and I came home to a bed in my living room which I then slept in for two months. While sleeping in this bed Dan and I commented several times on how soft and plush it was and how su...